Zebra sea bream
Diplodus cervinus
55 cm
The zebra sea bream is a fish with a silver colouring with five wide vertical black or brown bands. It has a long beak and a small mouth. It is a solitary species that usually goes around in pairs or in small groups. When it is young, it forms “schools” of 4 or 5 individuals of different sizes.
It is an omnivore that eats invertebrates and small marine algae. Its reproduction is oviparous. They are proterandric hermaphrodites, that is, first they are males and then they become females.
The zebra sea bream is a bentopelagic animal typical of rocky beds, that lives at depths of up to 80 metres.
Interesting facts
They are high appreciated in harpoon fishing; they have a lot of needles, but their meat is very tasty.